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React Changes


It is important to note that migrating your front-end code to async is unnecessary. You can still use the sync MongoDB methods on the client side, for example: Collection.fetch/Collection.findOne.

But to maintain isomorphic code, you can use the async methods on the client side.

In those cases, we have implemented suspense version of hooks so that you can use the async methods.

For example:


// you can write like this:

import { useTracker, useSubscribe } from 'meteor/react-meteor-data'
function Tasks() {
  const isLoading = useSubscribe("tasks");
  const { username } = useTracker(() => Meteor.user())
  const tasksByUser = useTracker(() =>
          TasksCollection.find({username}, { sort: { createdAt: -1 } }).fetch()

  if (isLoading()) {
    return <Loading />

  // render the tasks

In Meteor 3.x you can write like this:


import { useTracker, useSubscribe } from 'meteor/react-meteor-data/suspense'
function Tasks() { // this component will suspend
  const { username } = useTracker("user", () => Meteor.userAsync())
  const tasksByUser = useTracker("tasksByUser", () =>
          TasksCollection.find({username}, { sort: { createdAt: -1 } }).fetchAsync()

  // render the tasks

useFind in the client will remain the same.

You can check the react-meteor-data docs for more information and these blog posts part 1 part 2 for a in-depth look on how we made those changes.